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Music For The Intellectual Palette
The Gnomes Flight Home video Poetry
Yay Hoo!
Made It!
Pst! Seasons video poetry
The Gnome Poem!
Download a free copy of "A Gnomes Flight Home" and follow along as the little guy makes his way home....
Free Stuff
Okie Dokie folks as promised on youtube here's a free tune and as it turned out is "A Sleazy Ivory Lullaby" even though it says "The Doo Doo Song", thanks CD Baby. So I decided to offer the whole EP on the cheap.
Click Here= * *
Be on the lookout for my future Podcast on my contact page so i can let U in on the latest sleaziness....
Download a free copy of Seasons and follow along with the video and watch as this tale of the basic miracle unfolds....
Free Picktorial history of the sleazyness. Hey I didn't just fall to Earth out of the blues.... Its been a great life and here's a small sample....
Keep looking you might find a YOUTUBE Channel....
Yet another FREE Poem!
There once was a lassie named Daisy
Who found a young lad worthlessly lazy
Upon each an uninspiring kiss
She would beam dubiously to miss
Tossed wishing that winged away crazy
If you keep your mouth shut nobody will know those certain times when you're just BUTT Stupid!
Free Lyrics
Heartstrings a future song if supported by fans.
Hey here's a free copy of
"The Guitar 'O' Moondoe Spellismings."
If your browser can't find the link go to taxi and look it up....
Chess 'O' Drama!
Coming Soon Keep An Eye On The Website.
After the fall of Roman Imperialism, Anglo-Saxon England evolved into a Feudal Hierarchy (a collection of kingdoms) that fluctuated toward future political consolidation. Until that consolidation was achieved, the kingdoms of the Hierarchy varied in prestige and military might. It became customary to grant one king honorable preeminence among his royal colleagues by designating him as "Bretwalda." A title that drifted with the varying fortunes of politics and war. To earn the Bretwaldaship may have been feudalism and chivalries highest valor.
Chess 'O' Drama takes this Bretwalda badge of honor and adds it to the traditional chess game. This changes the concept of chess competition two fold:
1) During a traditional chess match, if both players are equal in skill and experience, most matches will evolve toward a trade off of pieces until a stalemate is achieved. In Chess 'O' Drama the rules govern elaborate strategies toward the end of the "piece trading" so the ending becomes a whole different game in itself. Adding the elements of chance closing in on the traditional checkmate.
2) Chess 'O' Drama takes into account that in the competition of war there is often times a prestigious position earned and then used for advantages -but may well be lost in a moments notice. Like so often in politics and war there are always unexpected elements of chance and fortune.
In Chess 'O' Drama each player can earn the title of Bretwalda giving him or her the advantage for the moment. When that advantage is used with skills it might lead to the winning valor!
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